Mar 2008

After the Festival

The Moving Images Festival at the Museum of Fine Arts was a great celebration. What I most appreciate about flilm fests are walking into a theater knowing little or nothing about a film and being transported. Such was the case with Ryan and Alter Egos.

Ryan is an animated film with an extraordinary surreal quality that seems to me the height of what computers can offer. Using video recordings as a base the film

Joe's Co-workers at NFPA

A Note from the National Fire Protection Agency Librarian and REQUEST FOR POSTS about Joe. Read More...

Why This Site

Introduction to this site. From "Life in the Institution" to "Life in the Community." Read More...

Article in Patriot Ledger

Jack Encancio wrote a piece in the Patriot Ledger of Quincy, MA and surrounding area about Fernald and Joe's relationship to it.

It presents the question of how the past lives with us in the present. Does the shadow of the institution ever go away? One of the most challenging things about Fernald today is that it IS a community. Yes, there are elements of the segregation of the past, but they are more historical footnotes then real forces of the present.


Museum of Fine Arts Vinfen Festival

Front Wards, Back Wards shows at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston on Saturday, March 15, 1:30 (FREE!) at the Vinfen Moving Images Festival.
